Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Questionaire

Hi everyone!! I just got back from my trip to New York and Baltimore and boy am I exhausted. My connecting flight out of Chicago ended up getting delayed and it was just very annoying and tiring. I haven't posted a blog since being on vacation and I saw a really fun questionaire that Amerixe did on her blog and I thought it would be a fun(and quick and easy) blog to do today. You can read Amerixe's original post at this link here:

On with the questionaire!

Copy and paste the list to answer in a comment below!

1.) Mood: Tired but content
2.) Do you wear a piece of jewelry that you never take off? Yes, I a ring that I got from Vanity years ago
3.) If you had a free year to do anything you wanted (with unlimited funds to do so), how would you spend it? I'd spend it traveling Europe. I'd love to visit Italy, Greece, England and Ireland
4.) Current nail polish: Wet n' Wild's Tropicalia
5.) Have you been watching the Olympics? No, I've been traveling. I watched a little bit of the diving and vollyball compition tonight thought.
6.) Current outfit: Comfy pjs from Aeropostile
7.) What are your favorite pizza toppings? Pepperoni :) yummy!
8.) Who is your favorite Disney character? Dori!! Just keep swimming-life motto right there
9.) When it comes to shoes, flats or heels? Heels for sure. I find flats to be uncomfortable sometimes
10.) Weekly goals: Unpack, returns calls, get back on my diet and start running, start packing for school. All completely doable, but finding the motivation is the hard part ;p
Be sure to check out my beauty channel for some very fun videos coming up this week and my vlog channel for a video about my vacation.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Nail of the Day: Revlon’s Flirt


Oh my goodness, I feel like I haven’t posted a blog post in forever! Which is probably true. I’ve been so busy with work, family stuff, and life in general. You all know how that goes, I’m sure.

Anyway, I’ve been frequenting Target lately(if you haven’t seen my latest haul video, I’ll link it below) and on my latest trip I picked up this lovely polish by Revlon called Flirt.  May I just say how in love I am with this nail polish! It’s a beautiful pink with some slight purplish, blue undertones. In natural light it looks like a rosy color. I have had this on for two days and have noticed some slight chipping but working in a classroom can cause that. Still a great polish that everyone should consider adding to the their collection.

Speaking of nail polish, I’ve been considering going on a no nail polish buying ban and trying to use some of the many polishes I have that I never reach for anymore.  Along with that I thought about featuring all the polish through some sort of blog series. I’ve seen other bloggers doing the same with lip products and such and thought the idea was kind of cool. What do you all think of that, would that be something you would be interested in?  If so, let me know!

Latest Video: Target Haul!