Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Back to School Haul: Supplies and Dorm Items

Hey beauties! Like it or not, school is just around the corner. Some of you might have already started and others till have a tiny bit of summer left. I move back to college on the 29th and classes start the 2nd of September. I'm really looking forward to being back on campus and being in the routine of going to class, studying, not to mention seeing all my friends and my sorority sisters!

Now, I'm a weird one, I'll admit it. I love buying back to school supplies. I get really excited about getting cute supplies to keep me orgainized. Maybe it's the inner school teacher in me, which is what I'm going to school for by the way. So I made sure I went and got some cute new supplies at Walmart. I wanted to share with you what I picked up.
Well there it is, I hope you enjoyed my video. I will definitely be doing a video of all my study/school organization tips once I get to school and have my little study area set up. I hope you all are having a great day! See ya next time!

Daily Tidbits:
1. My grandparents and I are currently in the process of moving to a smaller apartment. There are boxes everywhere!
2. The Cab is playing at Welcome Weekedn at my college. I'm super excited and I hope they play music from their new ep!
3. I'm going to film a couple tutorials this week that I'm vey excited about. 2 hair tutorials and a makeup tutorial!